
rooms26 report part 2 -Yellow Booth-

立ち上げ3年未満のブランド、もしくは学生が対象で、若手支援を目的としたYellow Boothからこのブランドを紹介します。

Ortho Bands Make



実際に履かせていただきましたが、クッション性のあるソールが足裏にぴったりとはまり、機能性も兼ね備えたこのシューズ、個人的なwish list入り!


The designer of this brand studied shoemaking for a long time; All shoes are handmade.

The brand’s target customer is between 30 to 50 years old with an appreciation for quality.

The brand uses French leather, which gets better with use. Hermes uses French leather as well.

I thought they only offered men’s shoes, but they have ladies shoes as well.

I took photos because I fell in love with their unique idea and style.
Then, I tried on one of them and I felt so relaxed because the sole of the shoe fit my foot perfectly.
I want a pair!!

You can buy those shoes only at Osaka Beams.
These shoes are sold exclusively at Beams in Osaka.

This is the first time they participated in a huge trade show like "rooms," so I am looking forward to hearing positive reviews about them!

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